Consultations & Trainings
Partner with RISE Counseling & Consulting on a customized consultation or training session for your group or business. Our team can help you create a better work environment, address challenges, implement stress management, achieve a professional certification, and more.
We also provide clinical supervision opportunities - learn more below!

RISE can accommodate different types of consultations to meet the needs of businesses or teams in our region. If you have a specific consultation request in mind, please reach out to us at info@risecounselingandconsulting.com.

Clinical Supervision
RISE offers Clinical Supervision to LMSW, tLMFT, & tLMHC licensed therapists who are working towards independent licensure in the State of Iowa. If you would like to receive Clinical Supervision, please email us for more information.
Trainings Available
This list encompasses trainings we have previously created and administered. If you are looking for a training on a specific topic that's not listed, email us and we can create one for you!
Prices can be provided upon request.
Burnout in the Workplace
Participants will:
Learn the definition, signs, and symptoms of burnout in the workplace
Learn the difference between burnout and compassion fatigue (if applicable to profession)
Learn the difference between burnout and stress
Use an outcome measure to assess current level of burnout
Learn strategies for decreasing burnout and improving self-care
Intended Audience: Any high-stress workplace or profession including but not limited to veterinarian clinics, law enforcement, mental health, education, etc.
First Responder Training
Participants will:
Learn the difference between stress and burnout
Identify burnout symptoms at work
Assess their current level of burnout
Learn the difference between acute stress disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder
Assess their level of posttraumatic stress disorder
Learn self-regulation skills to decrease burnout including what they are, how to do them, and how often
Learn when to seek support and how
Intended Audience: Law Enforcement, Paramedics/EMTs, Firefighters, etc.
Grief & the Healing Process
Participants will:
Learn the definition of grief, statistics, and symptoms
Learn grief timelines and goals of grief work
Understand cultural barriers and influences
Identify the stages of grief
Identify elements needed in grief work
Learn the language of grief: anticipatory grief, grief bursts, disenfranchised grief, complicated grief, secondary losses
Learn what to say or not say to someone in grief
Learn self-help strategies for managing grief
Understand Prolonged Grief Disorder symptoms and how to seek help
Receive links to helpful resources and blogs for use beyond the training
Intended Audience: communities recently experiencing a loss, schools, churches, etc. This presentation has also been provided to insurance agents who navigate loss with their clients regularly.
High-Functioning Anxiety
Participants will:
Identify signs, symptoms, and prevalence of high-functioning anxiety
Utilize screening tools to capture internalized symptoms and measure the severity of anxiety
Learn skills and interventions to assist the student in managing their anxiety
Determine when a student needs an external referral or additional resources
Receive resources, examples and usable strategies for mindful implementation
Intended Audience: middle and high school students, teachers, and school counselors.
Suicide Gatekeeping: Listen, Question, Connect
Participants will:
Learn suicide statistics, prevalence, as well as risk and protective factors
Understand the role of the gatekeeper in suicide prevention
Know what questions to ask and how to respond with confidence and empathy
Know how to connect someone at risk with further support and resources
Intended Audience: ANY but especially school staff.
Co-Parenting After Divorce and Avoiding Children in the Middle
Participants will:
Learn statistics and impact on putting children in the middle
Understand what children report to be the most upsetting and how to avoid it
Learn effective communication skills
Learn the 5 categories of co-parenting
Review Child Rights document
Receive links to helpful resources and blogs for use beyond the training
Intended Audience: Divorced parents.
Care for Kids
Care for Kids is a child sexual abuse prevention program for children preschool through 2nd grade, educators, and parents. Care for Kids contains 6 units: Asking for Help, Feelings, Bodies, Babies, Asking for Permission, and Wrap-Up.
Each unit teaches and reinforces 2 to 4 simple, age-appropriate messages via a circle time, a book, and an activity or craft. The activities are designed to compliment the fact that children of this age group learn naturally through play and use schemas to assimilate new information. Information is presented in a matter-of-fact way using anatomically correct language. Children in this age group are receptive to learning about body parts, health, and boundaries, making this an ideal time to lay the foundation for abuse prevention.
Intended Audience: Preschool-2nd Grade Students, Educators, & Parents.